
PPE Software creates easy way of approving maintenance and repair costs for equipment through automated tracking tools

Posted by NorthernAxcess Satellite Communications on 9th Jul 2014

PPE Software has created a range of tools that easily enables its clients to approve things like maintenance, service, and repair of equipment, along with a full range of other tools that help control costs on products, devices, handheld radios, uniforms and much more. 

One of the great things that the new PPE software does is take the long steps out of approving a repair, or a Purchase Order on something lets say, like a satellite phone, firefighting equipment, or other items based on the organization by letting anyone in the organization be able to take a quick look to see if it's cost efficient enough to repair the satellite phone, or just replace it. It does this by customized backend recording of all the costs for that particular equipment throughout the stage of its life with the entity, or organization. So if the; ie: 'satellite phone' has already had 5 repairs in its life cycle, of 5 years, then it might automatically recommend purchasing a new device, or thereby NOT approving the repair, because it would see that it was more cost efficient for replacement.

As of right now the system is being used allot for firefighter systems management, which is completely customized to allow even the firefighters themselves to login, and select certain equipment they need, and review the cost analysis, and let the system tell you what is best. 

So down in places like southern California, where this is the time of year that firefighters, and park rangers are on overtime duty, and having to go through all the red tape approval steps of replacing one of their necessary satellite phones, helmets, jackets, or other items is the last thing that one of the hard working field guys want to have to go through. So now, through this system, you can take allot of the bureaucratic red tape out of getting something maintenanced, repaired, replaced, or bought, making it an invaluable system for these entities.

This is the type of software that will revolutionize the way Firefighters, Government Emergency Response teams, Park Rangers, Government, or other local, state, and federal entities purchase, maintenance, and repair their equipment by giving them the tools at a glance to analyze the cost of everything they feel that should be tracked, and ultimately saving money for the organization, state and tax dollars.

For us at NorthernAxcess, being in the satellite communication industry, as well as service, and repair for satellite equipment, we know how long, and tedious it can actually be for someone like a Firefighter, or Park Ranger, or any state, federal, or local government entity to get a sat phone repair estimated, and then maybe 1-2 months later after multiple other people sign off on it, then something finally gets done...Well, this software is turning all those steps into one through an easy system of management that analyzes the cost of everything at a glance, and completely protects them from overspending, and will save them money within the first year of using the PPE Software, by the customized tools in use from the steps mentioned above. 

Just to note too, that this is not just centered around equipment cost analyzing, but uniforms, jackets, helmets, and more are all trackable items that cost analyze as well.

Hopefully we will see systems like this taking effect in the field real soon, which would make allot of our jobs and many other allot easier...If you need some info on this software, or want to take a look at the site, then some of the contact info is here below:

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Q & A for PPE Software

Contact info

Carl Jones

Product Manager

ph. 941-928-6267