
BGAN DC Auto Chargers

DC Car Chargers for BGAN Internet Terminals

  • Cobham BGAN Explorer 300/500/700/710 DC Car Charger-
    Not Rated

    Cobham BGAN Explorer 300/500/700/710 DC Car Charger This genuine car charger for the Cobham Thrane Explorer series 300/500/700/710 allows you to charge your terminal from your car while you are on the road or on any 12V outlet. Once the charge is...

    Price: $99.99
  • Hughes BGAN 9201/9202 DC Adapter (NAX-3500099-0001)
    Not Rated

    Hughes BGAN 9201/9202 DC Adapter If you are traveling to remote locations you can still charge your 9201 BGAN Internet Terminal or 9202 BGAN Internet Terminal on the go with this DC charger. Charge your the car and stay always connected. This product...

    Price: $199.99